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This website is best viewed on a desktop computer with a monitor display of 800*600 pixels or higher.

My Discord username is "paluseata". You can join my Discord server if you want.
I am also on Twitter even when things are admittedly bad down there nowadays, and Bluesky.

WARNING: This product is classified as a Highly Functioning Autistic. This product may cause confusion, vomiting, radio interference, headaches, interdimensional nausea, emotional damage, uncontrolled spinning, sudden levitation, constant tendencies to question life, rebellion against organized religion and authoritarianism, and level 2 sporadic discombobulation. Please handle with care. Drive safely. For more information please reread the enclosed instruction book. Offer expires on 1999 December 31. Not valid in select eastern European countries due to US sanctions.


created 2024.2.28 / last modified 2024.3.17

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